HTW-Ep 139 Advantages of Hiring a Hunting Advisor
With every Rolling Bones membership you’ll get a personal hunting advisor, someone to help you with applications, points, strategy and booking that next adventure. But some of you may be asking, why should I bother hiring a hunt advisor? Isn't it cheaper and just as good if I do it myself? In this Hunt the World episode Brian and Brad answer that question and three other often asked questions regarding this: 1. Is my outdoor adventure more expensive when I book through my advisor? 2.How do I know my advisor has my best interest in mind? 3. Will I have the same quality relationship with my outfitter if I book through my advisor? All great questions, join us for the answers. And remember, our most popular membership is $150 per year. Where else can you hire a specialist for $150 PER YEAR? (And that includes application services in ALL 50 states!!)